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Byzantium 51% Unbleached Candle - APE 1 1/2" x 9"


Item # : 39109
Availability : Contact us for availability
Price : $99.95
Dimension : 1-1/2 X 9
Quantity :
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On the night of October 27th, 312 AD, before the historic battle of the Milvian Bridge, Jesus Christ appeared to the pagan emperor Constantine in a dream in which He instructed Constantine to paint a Christian cross on the battle standards of his army. Included with the banner were the words: In Hoc Signo Vinces, in this sign thou shalt conquer, and armed with this holy power, Constantine crushed his enemy and the Christian world was never the same.

With Constantine's victory and conversion to Christianity, he became the sole ruler of the Roman Empire and began to advance the Christian cause. New Churches were built in Rome and around the empire. When the Roman capital was moved to the city of Byzantium, Constantine built new churches there as well.

Beeswax candles were introduced into the liturgy in Byzantium and these pure candles which were the symbol of the "pure Christ" were unbleached and in their natural color. As Christians embarked on pilgrimages to the eastern provinces they brought their liturgies, their rituals, their incense and of course their pure beeswax candles. From Britannia to the Black Sea and from Germania to North Africa, Christianity spread throughout the world and with it spread a wonderful history of rituals, traditions, and religious practices that embraced light and the symbolism of Christ.

Today, Eastern Rite liturgies as well as Christians who hunger for a return to their spiritual roots burn Will & Baumer Byzantium natural candles in their most sacred liturgies. Long used for funerals, baptisms, and for the Advent season, Byzantium candles also inspire a reverent pose for altars during mass. These natural-colored, long burning, smokeless Byzantium candles will bear a prayerful mood to the solemn traditions of our spiritual past. Will & Baumer has manufactured natural colored beeswax candles for over 155 years and has long been considered the leader in the church candle industry. Our long history of superior quality and hand crafted American workmanship guarantees for your church a candle of character and dignity.

We urge you to burn our Byzantium 51% beeswax natural unbleached candles in your sanctuary as you celebrate the liturgies of our Lord that began nearly 2000 years ago.

-- 51% Beeswax Unbleached -- 1 1/2" x 9" --

12 per package