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Advent (from the Latin advenio meaning "coming") is the liturgical season in which we prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, at Christmas. Advent begins the new Church year with reflections on the Hebrew prophecies and the ancient longing for the coming of the Messiah, "Emmanuel" (God with us). Advent consists of the four Sundays leading to the great feast of Christmas. More...

Like the prophets of old, we, too, begin Advent in joyful anticipation of the coming of Jesus Christ, but like all great feasts, Christmas is preceded by a time of reflection, fasting and conversion, and is sometimes referred to as Little Lent. Fulton Sheen reminds us that for Catholics, "First the fast, then the feast."

The colors of Advent are the penitential purple or violet of Lent except on the third Sunday of Advent called Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is Latin for "rejoice" taken from the first word of the Introit of the day's Mass. To emphasize in a visually striking way that the Lord is near, the priest may wear rose-colored vestments on Gaudete Sunday. Advent is now half over, and the beautiful rose color reflects our renewed hope in the coming of the Lord.

We hope that you will find here at Catholic-Collectibles ideas to inspire your gift giving this Advent season, such as Advent wreaths and Advent calendars for children and adults as well as a huge selection of religious articles that would make thoughtful and beautiful Christmas gifts.

Wishing the Spirit of Christmas to come upon each and every one of you as we prepare in joyful hope for His coming.