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Enjoy ye all the feast of faith: Receive ye all the riches of loving-kindness." (from the Easter Sermon of St John Chrysostom)

Rejoice! After 40 days of observing Lent comes Easter, the greatest feast in the Christian calendar. Christ is Risen! His resurrection proves His divinity, promises us new life in heaven and gives us joyful hope throughout our lives on earth. More...

"If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:14) The glorious Pascal Season continues for 50 days, through Pentecost Sunday, when we wish one another a "Happy Easter". Among the Orthodox Christians and Eastern Catholics, for these 50 days, instead of "hello", one greets another person with "Christ is Risen!", who responds "Truly, He is Risen!"

Catholic-Collectibles offers many inspirational devotionals that reflect the glory of the Easter Season. We hope that browsing our Easter category will add to the joy of the Pascal Season!