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No 6 Lumen Christi Paschal Candle 2 1/4" X 43"


Item # : 30614
Availability : Yes
Price : $212.45
Dimension : 2 1/4 x 43"
Quantity :
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Sculpted Light Collection

Jesus said to the people, I am the Light of the World. If you follow me you won't stumble in the darkness but will have the light that leads to life. - John 8:12

O God, through your Son you have bestowed upon your people the brightness of your light: Sanctify this new fire, and grant that in this Paschal feast we may so burn with heavenly desires, that with pure minds we may attain to the festival of everlasting light; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Paschal Candles begin with an experienced liturgical design team who create Paschal concepts to add grace and reverence to the Sanctuary. Will & Baumer is honored to work with several successful design artists with many years of experience designing candles and Sanctuary appointments for the Church.

At the factory, Will & Baumer artisans utilize hand made wax molds, forming them into beautifully interpreted designs. Each Sculpted Light Paschal is hand carved from a model, then crafted in a silicon mold into which perfectly blended wax is poured. Highly skilled hand painting is the final step before careful and secure application of design ornaments to the candle.

Every Will & Baumer Paschal Candle is made of 51% beeswax and hand tooled to ensure a blemish-free finish. Our candles are handcrafted to burn with confidence for a long-lasting, smoke-free performance. We encourage you to burn our high quality Will & Baumer Sculpted Wax Paschal candles in the tradition of St. Ambrose who shared this wonderful tradition with early Christians in the third century. Join us in celebrating Christ's illuminating light, and his presence in the midst of his people.

Lumen Christi: Father in Heaven, You made me Your child and called me to walk in the Light of Christ.

A Latin phrase meaning the Light of Christ, Will & Baumer's Lumen Christi draws attention heavenward in its elegant simplicity. More...

The Paschal Candle is the symbol of Christ Jesus, our Risen Savior, the Light of the world. Christ is also symbolized as the Paschal Lamb of the New Covenant.

Paschal Candles symbolize Christ rising in glory, conquering death and darkness. A Paschal Candle consists of 51% beeswax and is adorned with the symbol of a cross, an alpha and omega, and with the date of the year presented.

Each candle also has five grains of incense inserted on the cross representing the five wounds of Jesus. The Alpha (first letter of the Greek alphabet) is typically placed above the cross representing Christ as the "beginning" and the Omega (last letter of the Greek alphabet) is placed below the cross representing Christ as the "end", thus symbolizing His divinity as well.

The date of year is usually placed on either side of the cross or below it. Paschal Candles may also feature colors and design components that are symbolic of Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, and/or are suited to the liturgy of Easter.

-- 51% Beeswax -- 2 1/4" X 43" --